Monday 19 May 2008

Getting packed!

Ok guys so this is the blog I've set up to try and keep everyone up to date with what I'm doing and where I'm going. I'm going to try my best to write in it every few days but I can't make any promises :)

As most of you know I'm heading to Haiti on the 1st of june (less than 2 weeks now - YIKES!) for 7 weeks. At the moment I'm trying to get packed and making lists lists and more lists! I'm panicking slightly just at the thought of it!

I'd ask that you pray for me as I prepare mentally and spiritually for the trip, and that I won't forget anything major - like my PJs (ohhh pjs! have to put that on my list!)

I also ask that you'd pray for the actual journey I have to fly from belfast international to London Heathrow ( I hope I can avoid terminal 5!) to JFK New York to Fort lauderdale (Miami) and from there to cap-hatien (haiti) thats a lot of flights, and a lot of places for both me and my luggage to get lost in! I'm making the journey on my own so I'm apprehensive to say the least!

Thats all for now thanks for reading and God Bless!

ps. feel free to leave a comment I'd love to hear from you!!