Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Furry little friend!

Ok so I had a brilliant weekend again - we went to the beach again but this time we went to labadee which is owned by the royal caribbean cruise ship so when the ship isn't docked its open to the public for use its only about 100 goudes in - around a pound i think. The only thing is its totally americanised so its full of like hair braiding stations and cafes and bars etc! Altogether around 30 of us travelled in one big truck so there was definitely some close fellowship! There was the 2 american teams (1 construction, 1 medical) me, Sunmin and a few others!!! Evan also arrived on saturday I was so excited cos it meant another good oul Norn irish person to stand up for u lot at home lol alot of the banter between us and the americans is about the language barrier we've had some interesting consequences just because of terms like pants, ladybird and torch!!!

Then on sunday morning we had an early start! We went to pastor daniels church - he also works in the clinic - which started at 7 am!!! It was amazing though ,they presented each of us with certificates with our names on them to say thank you for risking our live to get on a plane and come to haiti to help!! it was so nice! Then after that they played/sang a song and pastor daniel announced that the whole church was to embrace eachother and bless eachother ... ok so i kind of have personal space issues with people i dont know... so this was... interesting to say the least!!! I got around 100 hugs and kisses in the space of about 2 minutes!!! Yikes! I think I've gotten my quota of hugs for the next year! lol. Every sunday afternoon we go to the cristoff hotel for lunch but because church was over by like 10 there was no point going back to the compound since the cristoff was about 10 mins from pastor daniels church. The cristoff happens to have the only swimming pool in the whole North of Haiti whoop whoop lol!! So you can probably guess what we did - yep we went straight to the cristoff and relaxed by/in the pool until lunch!!! What an amazing day The craic was ninety!!! Carly (one of the girls on the American medical team she's my age) and i were messing around and i got her to stand on my hands and i threw her up and back into the water (if that makes sense lol) so then julie briggs the physio at the clinic whos from NI taught SunMin and I how to throw people properly (she used to coach gymnastics) and she taught carly how to do back flips so by the time lunch came our arms were sooo tired I think we threw Carly, Amy (one of the nurses from canada) Julie and Tyler (who was on the construction team) sooo many times i lost count lol! Sunday afternoon we came back to the compound and just had a bit of banter and some people slept etc.

Yesterday (monday) was just a normal day in the clinic lots of consulting lots of patients, malnourished, diabteic, TB, HIV, Hypertension etc and then 2 new people moved into my house!!! so exciting!!! They're called Nadine and Vicki, they're nurses from Canada and are here for 2 weeks so its class to have some company (they're around my age too). Last night however i went down to the kitchen just to get my bottle of water out of the freezer and all the lights were out so, as you do, i turned it on - big mistake - as i saw a rat run right across my path across the kitchen counter I let out a big GASP stopped to make sure and process that I had actually just seen what I saw and then Ran down the corridor screaming ERICA!!!! I'm jumpy now just wrting about it!! So we've set a trap and some poison but there's no sign of it ... yet... I really don't do rats!!! Anyway thats enough for now lol. Missing you all loads!! Please keep reading and posting!! (Apparently mummy is quite good at it now if you want some advice lol)
God Bless xoxoxoxo


Alison said...

hey Laura

Alison here! oh my goodness a rat I would have totally freaked too! dont do rats either! hope the trap works! be praying for ya!!

U seem to be having a great time and im sure ul have made friends forever! Continuing to pray for you. missing you 2! Michael says hi!

Lots of Love

Alison etc! xx

Craig said...

Hey Laura Ruth!

I'm lovin your blogs! They keep me entertained in work (dont tell Biggie!) and it's great to know how you're gettin on out there. I'm really impressed with how well you're doin out there and I pray for you every time I read your blog. I still cant believe you're on the other side of the world all on your own (then again, I still cant believe that you're not 9 years old any more! When did you turn into a grown up?!!) I wonder if the Americans know all the Psalty songs?! I hope so. That could lead to some major sing-songs! I was at Nanny's on saturday there for a while and Gizmo was there. He kept trying to eat my lunch on me and when I finally gave him some food, he tried to 'make friends' with my leg!!! Unpleasant! Anyways, chat soon wee cuz!


Claire said...

I would seriously be on the first plane back home. Rats are not funny in any shape, size or form. Well done for not actually dying of shock. I would have. Could cope with almost anything apart from rats. Anyway, bad day at work. Glad you're having fun. Can't believe you've been there almost 4 weeks! Claire xo

Alison said...

hi Laura
By the way its only me..Heather here not Alison! Havent bothered to get a bloggy thing myself just use Ali's. Not impressed with the RAT poor you -will be praying for you. Your blogs are brilliant keep it up. Cant imagine you having had enough hugs to do a year. Cathy sez Hi she is just home from a Grow Team in CLABBY not just ready for Haiti yet sticking to good old norn ireland!! You keep going and we await the next update. Lots of love mummy Heather xo

Elizabeth W said...

Going yo try again to send message. Really enjoyed talking with you to night. It's great to hear you so excited about doing the Lords work. I pray lots of times every day for you and the rest of the folk in the team that you will know Gods presence protection and provision as you work for Him.
Love and miss you loads. God Bless
Mummy and Daddy xoxoxo

Elizabeth W said...

This is now the second time I have tried to send a message to night. Lost the last one cause logged on to Dads e mail. It was great to talk with you to night and to hear how excited you are to be involved in the Lords work. Not impressed with the story of the RAT as you know if that had been me you would have been gathering me off the floor UNCONSCIOUS!!!!! Love you and miss you loads. Praying for you lots of times every day that you and the team will be aware of Gods presence, protection and provision in the days ahead. God bless
Mummy and Daddy xoxoxox

Sue said...

Hey Laura, You sound like you're having a great time minus the rats! I'm sure it's funny to think back on it now but I would have totally died off I can't even think about a wee mouse and I'm shivering!! Such a suprise to hear about you singing in the rain-that'd be right for a Williamson!! I finished school yesterday so loving being off until Summer Scheme starts at the end July! Keep up the good work chick praying for you Love Sue (Swan Chicken Fried Rice!!!) xo

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!!
Just been reading your blog and your trip sounds amazing!! Hope the rest of your time there goes well and I'll definitely be praying for you and your work while your out there!!
God Bless!

Steven Bamford