Saturday 12 July 2008

I don't want to come home!!

Much as I love you lot at home ... I really really really don't want to come home, I love it here and God is teaching me soo much. I've learnt so much about myself, I've learnt I need to rely on God completely, I've learnt that I'm not gonna save the world only God can and maybe sometimes we need to get out of the way and let Him, I've learnt that in order to not waste my life i need to spend it boasting only in the cross and that everything good in life is because of Jesus, as is everything bad but God uses those bad experiences to teach us and through hardship we learn endurance through endurance character and through character hope... Jesus is our reason for hope he is the saviour of the world I think I needed to be retaught that because we ...well i... get complacent and loose the awe I shoould have of His wonderful Grace ... ok I'm rambling now sorry! But that's what the christian life is about - Transforming Grace.

I can't believe I've been here 6 weeks!!! I only have 1 left and I know God has soo much more to show me and tell me I'm excited! I'm excited about what I've learnt already! Even silly things like why we can't wear tank-tops, and never stick your tongue out at haitian boys cos to them - that's a come on ... yikes!!! and don't accept all the marriage proposals you get in life (if i did I'd be married 30 times over - a week - in Haiti lol!)

The last thing i want to say is - yes Ive had tough times in haiti but Ive had loads of funny times, good nights of craic laughing soo hard my sides hurt, blonde moments and just general silliness. We nothern Irish amuse ourselves if not anyone else at least! And I want to yes learn from the hard times because 'When I am weak then I am strong' but I also want to let you know that I've had alot of fun out here - seriously - alot!!!! I'm still trying to convince some of the others to play knock door run at night but I think thats where the line gets drawn!!! Its definitely gonna happen before I leave!!

Thank you so much for all your prayers
laura xoxo

PS antibiotics make me sick - not good!!!
pps bug bites make me itchy
ppps it gets really really really hot when the electricity goes out at night and there's no more fans!!!!
pppps thats all!! lol


Craig said...


I'm so jealous. This trip has been so good for you. I often wonder what blessings I miss out on when I choose not to step out in faith and opt for a safe, dull lifestyle. I love that you're experiencing God's providence at times where you'd be stuck without Him. Makes it all the more real doesnt it?

Have a great birthday cuz,


P.s. Knocking doors and running away?! What are you like?!

Biggy B said...

Hey Laura

I hope you're having a great day. Happy Birthday!!!

Lots of Love

Simon & Claire xxx