Thursday, 10 July 2008


Hi Everyone, so there was a reason behind the tone of my last blog entry, We had a patient - a wee boy He was 6 and was called Ogblion (i think thats how it was spelt) he was very very very sick and we worked with him for about 3 hours trying to secure him a decent airway he was on nebulisers, we had the equipment ready to do a traecheostomy we gave him the max amount of adrenaline he could have, his mum said it had started on Friday so he had been struggling to get oxygen for nearly 4 days he was getting very tired, which was dangerous- it was a really rough morning. When we ran out of options (and prayed alot) we decided to take a chance and try and get him to the hospital which is about half an hour away ( on a good day). So God was with us and we got him there in record time. I won't bore you with all the details but pretty much we found out he had Diptheria (which we get vaccinated for at home) None of us had ever seen this before. We found out yesterday (wednesday) that he died that morning ... so ... I've lost my first patient ... and I'm not entirely sure how to deal with this, plus we were all exposed to a very serious and dangerous disease which killed people in the UK years ago and still does in Haiti Its transferred by airborne droplets - bearing in mind he was on a nebuliser and we were in an enclosed space with no air conditioning with him for 3 hours. So yesterday we all had to get a booster for tetnus and diptheria and we have to take antibiotics for a week. There were 5 of us in the room - Gavin, Evan Sharkey (a dr from NI) Amy (a nurse from Canada) Sun Min ( a med student from America) and Me so we were exposed the most. Pray for our health that God will keep his hand upon us. Pray that I'll be able to grow from this experience and that God will use it and all the other things I see and do out here to teach me, increasing my faith and reliance on him.

Thanks for all your support guys it really means ALOT to me!!!
Lots of Love
God Bless
Laura xoxoxo


Chris Quail said...

Hey.. I'm sad to hear the young boy passed away. It clearly took its toll on you Laura, but you are in our thoughts. Don't lose heart - you are making a difference in countless lives. You have done already! And you still have plenty of time to impact others. Allow God to use your hands and feet as he sees fit, and I swear you will benefit wholeheartedly in the next chapter of your stay.

We can do all things through He who gives us strength.

Family Blogs said...

Very very sad to hear this Laura. We're praying that you will be protected physically, strengthened emotionally, and sustained spiritually through this difficult experience.
Love in Christ,

Unknown said...

Hi wee pet, Was very sorry to hear about the young boy. Don't forget you're not in Haiti in your own strength, remember the God who made the universe is the one who holds you in the palm of His hand. We will be praying for you that you will know the Lord's protection both spiritually and physically. In case I forget, happy birthday - as usual I get either the year or the date mixed up. I had forgotten it was the 'big one' so we'll have to celebrate when you come home. Guess where I was - at the cinema - last night!!! Jo organised a girlie night out and we went to see Mama Mia, with a meal beforehand.... Cheryl, Jo and I all ordered a chilli dish, and it was so hot we couldn't eat it, but the waitress was very helpful and gave us another dish, but I was still having chilli this morning at about 3.00 a m. Stephen left for Botswana in the early hours of Tuesday morning. He had met up with Erlo and they are taking a trip together. MY GOD IS FAITHFUL. love a.e. xoxo

Biggy B said...

Hey Laura

I hope you’re ok. It sounds like you’re having such an amazing and life changing experience. I’m sorry to hear about the little boy. Claire is out at a band practise tonight, she told me she’s going to a live wire practise but I think she’s secretly in a flute band, she’s getting all geared up for the 12th July  We are looking forward to seeing you again soon. Keep up the good work & keep shining like Christ.

Love you loads

Biggy B

Alison said...

Hi Laura. Things are very tough for you at the minute by the sounds of it...that was very sad news for you to cope with. Have been praying for you and will continue to that God will give you strength for whatever you face. God bless Heather xo
Psalm 121